Emerald Ash Borer Treatment
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We can treat your Ash tree for the Emerald Ash Borer with a high probability of success.

A lot of interest has been generated by the recent articles in the news about the Emerald Ash Borer, or EAB. Burmood Property Care is committed to helping you protect and preserve your Ash trees in the event that EAB reaches your property. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about EAB.
How do I know if my tree is infested with Emerald Ash Borer? Canopy die back is a sign your tree may be infested. This usually starts in the top 1/3 of the canopy and works its way down. Other signs of EAB include unusually large and numerous sprouts growing from the trunk and roots, splits in the bark with obvious “S” shaped tunneling just under the bark, “D” shaped borer holes, and an increase in wood pecker activity. There may be other reasons for these symptoms. Please call us for a consultation if your Ash tree is exhibiting any of these symptoms.
Are all varieties of Ash trees susceptible? Yes.
Is there a treatment that will protect my Ash trees? Yes, there are a couple different effective treatments that have been proven to protect against EAB. Although it is not 100% guaranteed to protect your Ash tree these applications have been used in infested areas with high rates of success. After a consultation we will decide which one of these applications best suits your ash tree and property based on current observations. Positive results have been shown with treatments done on trees with up to 50% crown die back. Once a tree goes past this 50% mark it is unlikely it can be saved. A good dose of preventative medicine is to keep your Ash trees as healthy as possible with proper pruning, regular watering, and good mulch rings.

What time of year is a good time to treat a tree? Anytime during the growing season is fine. Mid to late Fall and Winter are not good times since the trees are dormant or going dormant. At these times of year the trees natural flows of liquids are greatly reduced thus restricting the dispersion of the chemical.
Is it time to treat your Ash tree to protect against EAB? Yes. The Nebraska Forest Service is recommending that a treatment be done when the insect has been located within 15 miles of your tree. The EAB has been found in Central Nebraska. The treatment needs to be done every year while the infestation is at its peak. Emerald Ash Borer was first discovered in Michigan in 2002. It’s natural spreading rate is 1 mile per year, however the theory is that firewood transportation is to account for it spreading at a much faster rate.

Will the residual kill unintended animals or insects? Depending on the product and application process it will kill any bugs that chew or bore into your Ash tree. By definition any insect engaging in these activities are harmful to your tree and should be killed anyway. Under regular circumstances the applications we perform do not hurt birds, squirrels, caterpillars, cats, dogs or children.
A good dose of preventative medicine is to keep your Ash trees as healthy as possible with proper pruning, regular watering, and good mulch rings.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding Emerald Ash Borer or if you feel a tree you have on your property is exhibiting any of the above traits of infestation.
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